The average adult breathes over 3,000 gallons of air every day, while children breathe even more per pound of body weight and are thus more susceptible to air pollution. The elderly are also more sensitive to air pollution .
People exposed to high enough levels of certain air pollutants may experience burning in their eyes, an irritated throat, or breathing difficulties. Long-term exposure to air pollution can cause cancer and long-term damage to the immune, neurological, reproductive, and respiratory systems. In extreme cases, it can even cause death.
All kinds of things contribute to the pollution of the air we breathe, from industrial pollution to day-to-day activities such as driving, dry cleaning, and using household paint that releases gases and particles to the air.
Removing Air Pollutants From Your Home
While we typically think of our homes as safe and free of pollution, you will be surprised to hear that pollution can be found in your home as well. Mold spores, radon gases, and other pollutants can find their way into your home. These pollutants can irritate allergies, trigger respiratory distress, and generally make us sick
Virginia Basement offers Air Quality services in Richmond, Virginia as well as Fredericksburg, Charlottesville, Williamsburg, and Ashland. We can install dehumidifiers and other moisture barriers in your home to control the humidity, as well as check for mold and radon gas to improve air quality and make your home a safer, cleaner place to live.